Aktiviti hari nie pagi gi service my car dah 1000km, 1st service. After that I had lunch with Not. After lunch rush back home sebab dah ada janji pi tengok wayang with my friends cerita Upin and Ipin. Cerita cartoon Malaysia. And guest what untuk kami dapat kan tiket nie bukan mudah sebab my friend kena pi beli sebelah pagi and beratur punya la panjang and cuma dapat tiket 4.45pm the rest sold out. Masa tu pun dah rasa amboi dahsyatnya cerita nie sebab cepat sangat sold out tiketnya.
My opinion for this movie eden rasa movie nie berjaya membuktikan Malaysia boleh and i'm proud of them sebab mereka berjaya membuktikan.
Enjoy the pic yg eden ambik at the Curve. And check out this website : http://gengmovie.blogspot.com/